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Language Training

The 3PHASE Superlearning method provides the participants with learning content in 3 phases which are based on auditory relaxation techniques. The 3PHASE language training method is based on the research and development of the so called 'Superlearning'.

The learning system activates all five senses. Therefore all channels of the sensory perception are being activated in a relaxing atmosphere to ensure a harmonious interaction of body and spirit, emotions and mind:

the condition for a raised receptiveness, extended memory, motivation and power of concentration.

Foreign Language Training in 3 PHASES

Each lesson is subdivided into 3 PHASES:


In the first phase the vocabulary is presented in a written story and actively and playfully experienced by role plays. The vocabulary is presented, pronounced, repeated and set in a grammatical context.

Many more brain interconnections are created in the first phase by the active commitment of the students and the special way of presentation, than with usual learning methods. In advanced courses the participants are expected to write their own presentations, stories and role plays. This kind of tasks causes an additional and individual relation to the vocabulary. Therefore the brain can recall the learned data faster.


In the second phase the students are lying or sitting in a relaxed ambiance. In this phase a voice reproduces the vocabulary in the mother tongue and in the foreign language accompanying the listener to the so called Alpha State supported by special music.

In this phase the brain is shifted into a MENTAL-ACTIVE RELAXATION STATE and sentences are repeated by a voice (audio).


In the third phase the learning contents are taken over into the active vocabulary. The learning contents of the lesson of the previous phases are directly recalled from the long-term memory and are applied by experience-oriented activities.